A native Android app that provided access to 10,000+ high-resolution wallpapers presented in full-resolution via an elegant AMOLED Black UI for the optimal UX.
Built with. Java, Reactive Programming, RxJava, RxAndroid, Fresco, OkHttp, SQLite, BigImageViewer, Python, Flask, NoSQL/BigTable & Google Cloud
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Built the native Picturesque Android app using the latest technologies for Android (RxJava, RxAndroid, Fresco,...) and a Python backend consisting of a Flask API and a search engine with indexing leveraging the scalability of Google Cloud’s BigTable DB.
To display the wallpapers in their full-resolution, I used the BigImageViewer library. I contributed the most code (after the author) to the open-source BigImageViewer library which has over 3.8k+ Stars on GitHub. The library enables support for pan and zoom for very large-sized images, with minimal memory usage. It's powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso.
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